Hey! Welcome to the digital home of Yannick Koudjodji.
One of my core principles in life is to prioritize quality and knowledge, which usually leads to great results. This applies across various domains, such as cooking: by using high-quality ingredients and understanding the culinary processes, you can create delicious meals. Similarly, in the context of web presence, having a high-quality website and a solid understanding of your domain can get you a long way.
Even though I’m working in the field of SEO, that’s why I prefer the term Website Quality Optimization or short WQO (which admittedly sound a little weird). By enhancing your website’s quality on both technical and content fronts, you ensure that users find their visits worthwhile. This satisfaction not only delights your audience but also positively influences search engine rankings.
This website is currently under construction but feel free to come back or check out my socials until then.